Equipping Azerbaijani business for international e-commerce

Equipping Azerbaijani business for international e-commerce

More than 25 companies in Azerbaijan, beneficiaries of the EU4Business Ready to Trade project, will participate in a five-day training on e-commerce taking place on 18-22 February in Baku. 

The training is organised by the International Trade Centre (ITC), together with AzExport and ICT Development Fund. 

Over the course of the training, a team of ITC and independent experts will talk about e-commerce tools and solutions. At practical workshops, entrepreneurs will be learning how to deal with challenges and manage customer inquiries via support tickets, and how to create virtual reality videos. 

As more people buy online, it is critical for Azerbaijani businesses to improve their e-commerce services to respond in a timely fashion to changing consumer preferences. This is the third time that the Ready to Trade project organises e-commerce trainings for small businesses in Azerbaijan. The first set of trainings were held in May and November 2018. 

The Ready to Trade project, implemented by the ITC and funded by the European Union under its EU4Business initiative, works with small businesses in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to help them target and access foreign markets, with a special focus on the European Union.


წყარო: eu4business


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მიწის მდგრადი მართვის სააგენტო - ახალი სსიპ, რომელიც 800 ათასით ლარით დაფინანსდება


მიწის მდგრადი მართვის სააგენტო - ახალი სსიპ, რომელიც 800 ათასით ლარით დაფინანსდება


მეფუტკრე ფერმერებისთვის ტრენინგების მესამე ფაზა იწყება


უნიკალური შანსი საქართველოსთვის – აშშ-ს რევოლუციური ენერგეტიკული შეთავაზება ევროპას


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