Master in Professional IT Business and Digitalization

Master in Professional IT Business and Digitalization

Ready for the next step in your IT-career? Welcome to the international master’s program Professional IT Business & Digitalization at HTW in Berlin. The program provides in-depth knowledge in the field of enterprise information technology and is taught entirely in English.

The Master’s Program in Professional IT Business and Digitalization is aimed at people already working in the IT field as well as graduates of applied computer science and similar disciplines. The programme content has a high level of relevance to practice. A strong focus is placed for students to learn to analyse and evaluate corporate landscapes as well as to plan and implement their repositioning in leading professional roles.

The Master’s degree in Professional IT Business and Digitalization opens the door to a career as an IT and business leader in important roles such as Digital Business Designer/Architect, Enterprise Architect, Chief Digital Officer, Cloud Architect, as well as Data Scientist, Project Manager, Product Manager.

Students acquire sound knowledge of the following areas:

  • Central topics of data-driven innovation such as generating and collecting data (Internet of Things, Mobile Computing).
  • Analysis and modelling of data (Data Science) and development of infrastructure for hosting, storage, availability and application development and operation (Cloud Computing).
  • Core management areas areas of IT, such as management of IT projects, IT Controlling, IT Security, Requirements Engineering and Enterprise Architecture Management, professional knowledge of Data Ethics, Privacy and Governance.
  • In addition to practical implementation of a project in the corporate context, particular emphasis is placed on soft skills, especially in the areas of communication and leadership.

The application period for the winter semester 2023 closes on February 28, 2023.
We look forward to receiving your application!

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our study program

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წყარო: DAAD საქართველო


6 ცვლილება და რეგულაცია, რომელიც დღეიდან ამოქმედდება


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ანალიტიკური სტატიების ყოველწლიურ კონკურსს თემაზე: მონაცემები ცვლილებებისთვის


ქართული პროდუქცია იაპონიის საერთაშორისო გამოფენაზე იქნება წარმოდგენილი


ქართული პროდუქცია იაპონიის საერთაშორისო გამოფენაზე იქნება წარმოდგენილი


6 ცვლილება და რეგულაცია, რომელიც დღეიდან ამოქმედდება


უცხოური საინვესტიციო პროექტების ხელშეწყობის სახელმწიფო პროგრამა - FDI გრანტი


ანალიტიკური სტატიების ყოველწლიურ კონკურსს თემაზე: მონაცემები ცვლილებებისთვის

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