საგრანტო კონკურსი "ახალი დემოკრატიის ფონდი"

საგრანტო კონკურსი "ახალი დემოკრატიის ფონდი"

უნიკალური ნომერი: 001425

კონკურსის შესახებ:

The Flexible Response Mechanism supports civil society organisations in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – in a flexible and fast way in a highly unpredictable and turbulent environment.   

The total yearly budget for Flexible Response Mechanism is DKK 5,000,000. 

Who can apply?

The Flexible Response Mechanism supports a broad variety of civil society actors, including (but not limited to): 

  • Human rights defenders
  • Artists and/or cultural non-governmental organisations
  • Journalists and documentarists
  • Trade unions or other non-governmental labour organisations; 
  • Associations, networks or any other organisation that represents a certain voice/group in a society
  • Civil society actors in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries currently in exile with a previous or existing partnership with a Danish organisation

…that are under pressure due to:  

  • emergencies; 
  • war and/or conflict; 
  • drastic change in political or legislative context (positive or negative); 
  • rapidly closing space and/or fundamental human rights under threat; 
  • deterioration of legislative framework and legal protection; 
  • sudden political tension or polarisation; 
  • external and/or internal threat to the existence or unhindered operations.   

Please note, that all applicants must have a Danish-based organisation as a partner. Consortium member organisations of the New Democracy Fund can be such a partner.

What kind of initiatives are supported?

The Flexible Response Mechanism strives to support projects that focus on: 

  • Countering restrictions and human rights abuses, to overcome risks and emergencies and reclaim civic space  
  • Using new windows of opportunity and new political openings  
  • Providing emergency assistance to individuals of all genders and groups under threat, where the support is channelled through a civil society organisation

Maximum grant amount awarded: 400.000 DKK. Co-financing is allowed if needed.
Timeframe: max. 1 year. Please note, that all activities must be concluded before the end of 2026

How to apply

Please, read the full guidelines before applying:

Flexible Response Guidelines 2023

In order to apply, please fill out the following forms in English:

Application, budget, and work plan should be sent to: frm@newdemocracyfund.org

Deadline for submission: Rolling application deadline

Applications are handled on a rolling basis. Potential applicants should expect a processing time of four to six weeks.


We kindly ask that all questions are sent to frm@newdemocracyfund.org

წყარო: https://www.newdemocracyfund.org

დამატებულია: 04-04-2023

განაცხადის წარდგენის ბოლო ვადა: 28-02-2050 მიმდინარე

განცხადების წარდგენამდე დარჩენილია: 9347 დღე;


ბიზნეს უნივერსალი


Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships


ღია კარის საგრანტო პროგრამა


CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria


CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria


ბიზნეს უნივერსალი


Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships


ღია კარის საგრანტო პროგრამა

სიახლეების გამოწერა

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