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Roster of Photographers
The USAID Rule of Law Program is a five-year (2022-2026) activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI). The goal of the Program is to strengthen the rule of law in Georgia by building the independence and effectiveness of justice sector institutions, enhancing access to justice for all segments of society, and increasing citizen and institutional oversight of justice sector institutions. The USAID Rule of Law Program is seeking to create a roster of the professional photographers – from Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Borjomi and Telavi - to photo document its ongoing activities and public events. The Program would like to select several professional photographers with a demonstrated expertise in artistic photography and photo reporting. Selected candidates will be invited for on-call assignments to provide a professional photo coverage of the Program activities. Under the overall supervision of the Program team member(s), the photographer(s) shall provide the Program with the following service:
Professional photo reports should illustrate official events, activities and human stories. How to Apply: Interested candidates must fill in the given form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ADiYqVi5LjaYW_dS5IWKVpcBTVDBT7p3w-5k0rSg7VA/edit?ts=64632414 The deadline for submitting applications is May 31, 2023.
წყარო: USAID Rule of Law Program
26-10-2022 ანალიტიკური სტატიების კონკურსი |
11-04-2019 სტამბოლის ახალ აეროპორტს საწვავით SOCAR-ი მოამარაგებს |
06-09-2019 სურსათის სააგენტომ დაასახელა სავარაუდო წყარო, საიდანაც „სუდანის ჯგუფის“ საღებავები საწებლებში მოხვდა |
17-10-2019 მსოფლიოში პურეულის საუკეთესო 50 სახეობას შორის აჭარული ხაჭაპურიც მოხვდა |