Grants Program for Financial Institutions

Grants Program for Financial Institutions

უნიკალური ნომერი: 001789

კონკურსის შესახებ:

Ad title: Grants Program for Financial Institutions (Fis)

** Palladium`s Request for Applications (RFA) Number: 217810-FI-2024-002
** Issuance Date: April 25, 2024
** Due date for submission of questions: May 13, 2024 (18:00 Tbilisi time)
** Due date for answers: May 15, 2024
** Closing Date for Receipt of Applications: September 1, 2024 (18:00 Tbilisi time)
** Total funding available (all grants): $250, 000
** Anticipated Number of Grants: 5

The USAID Financial Innovation Program (the Program) is a five-year program, with the aim to increase the flow of diversified investment resources and innovative financial products to Georgia`s private sector in order to expand businesses, create jobs, and attract additional private investment. The main goals of the Program include:

** Strengthen the financial market`s regulatory environment and infrastructure;
** Deliver innovative financial products and services to the private sector; and
** Build long-term private sector capacity through expanding commercial business advisory services.

The Program expects to mobilize $325 million in financing. Of this amount, at least $80 million will consist of equity and quasi-equity financing. At least $100 million will be mobilized from private sector sources, and at least $200 million will consist of additional financing for startups and SMEs. Particular attention will be given to broadening the financial sector (engaging non-bank financial institutions and the securities markets), and not less than $50 million in debt financing will come from outside the banking sector.

Over the five-year activity period, the Program will unlock $200 million in growth-oriented capital by creating and expanding the supply of asset-backed lending products. To stimulate the supply of asset-backed products (factoring, warehouse receipts financing, invoice discounting and other supply chain and working capital financing instruments), the Program will facilitate transactions to drive capital investment and catalyze financial institutions` (FIs) engagement with Georgian enterprises, especially the target SME segment. FIs committed to expanding or creating a supply of asset-backed products, predominantly but not exclusively targeted at SMEs, can apply to participate in this grant activity. To be eligible to receive a grant award, FIs must have the capacity to mobilize asset-backed financing and develop eligible products that meet the qualifications listed in attached RFA document.

To be eligible for award, Applicants must provide all required information in their application, including the requirements found in any attachments to this RFA. Applications that are submitted late, incomplete, or are non-responsive will not be considered. Awards will be made to the responsible applicant (s) whose application (s) best meet the requirements of this RFA and the evaluation criteria contained herein.

Full applications must be submitted no later than the date and time as predetermined by the USAID Financial Innovation Program electronically via the Palladium Grants Management System Enquire by registering at You can download the User Guide for registration and navigating the portal from the attached application package.


დამატებულია: 01-07-2024

განაცხადის წარდგენის ბოლო ვადა: 10-09-2024 ვადა იწურება

განცხადების წარდგენამდე დარჩენილია: 3 დღე;


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